Thursday, November 13, 2008

Indian position wrt LTTE

LTTE is a terrorist organization that nobody can deny and one of the inventors of Sucide bombers also. But these people are fighting for the people of Tamil origin and want to create a new Homeland in Sri Lanka, they say the tamils have not been given equal rights in that country and are being ill treated.
In my view if India has to become a super power it has to start taking care of people who belong to this country. Why do we not care about our people?? You look outside anything happens to Christians in India Diplomats from France and Vatican start coming for their rescue. If a mosque is demolished here, thousands of temples are broken in Bangladesh and Pakistan, large amounts of money pours in for help for muslims from Saudi Arabia and middle east there are numerous examples from countries like England and US. Infact once Ireland did not return the peices of Chess which belonged to the Queen in England that were left some 50 yrs ago and UK was ready to attack that country as it said this belongs to England and should be here in the mother land, imagine such a small pretext but response ............
But in stark contrast what India does, 22 BSF people are killed by Bangladeshi's and you dont do anything, organise two- three flag meetings on border and thats it.
Similarly in Sri Lanka if these people are linked to your country and share blood relations with many living in Tamil Nadu its your responsibility to save them and uphold their rights. but what do we do?? We help Sri Lanka fight LTTE ........
In my view
We could have played a very big role in helping Tamils in Sri Lanka, we could have bargained direct Indian inviolvement in those parts of Sri Lanka where there is large tamil population against India's help to fight LTTE.
This way we could have stopped China and Pakistan's direct involvemen in Sri Lanka and achieved a better life for our people settled there, the support LTTE gets there could have diminished had we been able to achieve the desired results.
But we lack this instinct for our own people we are so divide and busy in fighting ourselves that we cannot look at a greater picture.
Contrast this same situation in Kashmir pakistan is fighting as it says there are people who support pakistan and thus should be with them. Imagine what is Pakistan and what is India and see the response in the same type of situation infact kashmir is much beter than nothern Sri Lanka , we dont trample their human rights or are anyway trying to trample them.
And because we are not helping much for the cause of tamils in Sri Lanks, we are again alienating people in Tamil Nadu who share a very strong bond with them. Had these people been muslims or Christians many many quarters would have come to support them.......
Its high time India understands that it needs to safe guard not only its territorial integrity but also people integrity, till the time you harden your stance and come out with one opinion nobody is going to listen to you. You will always be known as soft power.
The need today is to think about long term solutions and make arrangements so that things change, this happens only if we follow a set of foreing policies for 15-20 years atleast coz it takes time to form an opinion but with foriegn policies in India changing drastically as govt changes , i dont see that happening any time soon.

Next i will elaborate about how countries have been formulating policies for a long time and have taken shape now.........

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