Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Last few years we have seen so many bomb blasts in our country that now we have come to live with it, it no longer springs a surprise that a blast has happened in guwhati or Bangalore or any place in our backyard. I want to ask people a question when will you start thinking about it???

Now you would say what will happen if we think we are not the policy makers, we can do nothing but i would like to put you in the shoes of people who have lost there near and dear ones in these blast (sorry for this and i whole heartedly pray that this doesnt happen to you) and then ask the same question will you not think about those blasts and just sit there feeling helpless. Some pussilanimous people will say yes but brave people will say a big NO and if they are not able to find a way that is legal and they dont see our so called ministers taking a tough decision then some people will take a wrong path and they will be mind washed by fanatics and they will also take a wrong path. I dont know how much sadhvi pragya or any of thaose accused have done that henious act but if you see the perpetrators of the previous blast have succeded in their motive that is dividing the society and making people fight between themselves. I dont know if these people had anything to do with the blast victims but i beleive that these victims will be the next in line to do so and i dont shy away in saying that if i would have been a victim, god only knows how many i would have wanted to kill. So we have to really start thinking before we loose our senses.

The blame game as usual has begun, nobody really cares about the blast or perpetrators what they care is how the hell will this benefit in next elections or how can we manipulate, whip up passions to get more seats. Who the hell cares about the country or its people, some noble souls who do, like Police men, Army men are taken for a ride by these so called public servants and even maligned.

Now the question still remains but what will happen if we think, i beleive that in India people like us who have been bestowed the power of independent, rational thinking who can analyse things take stock of the situation and know that some bloody fanatic can not take them for a ride, have to start thinking, before its too late. Right now you are engrossed in your jobs earning a nice monthly salary etc etc ............but sooner your contry will be in a state of civil war if people like Raj Thackray, malegoan blast accused start there crusade .........already we know islamic terrorism ( incidentally they have succeeded whatt they wanted and i dont anybody can explain them and voluntarily stop them) . So the point goes here is, let us think a way out of this and save our country as if we dont do this we might not a have a job also tomorrow.We have to find a way so that the poor illeterate person who can be mind washed and then taken for a ride dont fell prey to these people because we have these of people in plenty here thanks to our population and illetracy and many many social ills. So people pls think???
what i think is .............
Whichever govt comes whoever rules, he has to take care that he addresses 106 crore people of India not divide them and start looking through some bloody lenses. In this regard i like Narendra Modi(for a while forget 2002 , u may not like his examle) coz he views as CM 5.5 Crore Gujratis not Hindus not Muslims not any other we need similar type of people at the helm in the centre who talk about Indians as a whole and anybody who takes innocent lives of our country men be regarded as a traitor and anti India and not regard his religon. Because I have come to believe that if we wanna save our country we ought to start uniting not dividing. In my view naming any community in election rallies should be banned, if one has to say he should say i would like to work for 25% poor indians and stop saying 15% muslims or 5% OBC's etc etc. This might go a long way in uniting our country and the whole debate will then be about indians not groups of people.
Put your thinking caps on and lets together find a way out of this mess and dont think that what we few can do in a country of billion plus people or in these circumstances where people dont mind killing on a small pretext. I bet the situation isnt that bad as when Mahatma Gandhi started his crusade .........he started alone and the times of British raj were far worse than today.

Thats it for today, i have planned to write atleast three articles a week on an average lets see if i can succeed , i will try my level best.
i wanna seriously find a way ............its just not about writing. By writing i wanna refine my thinking and ideology and shape my mind and find a way ............PLS HELP

Also Pls do post comments .........

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